Queensland Probate Lawyers

Helping You Settle The Affairs of Your Loved One’s Estate In Your Time of Need

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     We Offer A Low Cost, Fixed Fee Service To Our Clients.

Our Fixed Fee*

or $1,803.20**
(if you have a Concession Card)

includes GST, QLR Advertising ($161.70) and Supreme Court Filing Fee ($793)

* Fixed Fee is current as of 1 July 2024. Our Fixed Fee applies to straightforward probate applications only where there are no problems with the will or doubts about testamentary capacity of the deceased ("probate problems").
If there are "
probate problems", then we will provide you with an estimate of the additional costs involved.
**Eligibility for a fee reduction is subject to the discretion of the Registrar of the Supreme Court and we do not have any control over such application. If the Registrar of the Supreme Court rejects the Fee Reduction Application, the standard Supreme Court Filing Fee of $793.00 applies.

Lending A Helping Hand

Losing a loved one is a truly difficult time. The legal responsibilities that come with settling the affairs of those who have passed on often complicate the matter further — this is where Queensland Probate can help you. Our team will guide you through the process of obtaining a Grant of Probate from the Supreme Court of Queensland with the utmost sensitivity and care to make it as painless as possible.

  • Last will and testament document with pen | Brisbane, QLD | Queensland Probate

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What Is Probate &
Why Do I Need It?

Probate is the legal way to ensure a person's wishes are fulfilled after they pass away. It gives their executors permission to manage everything according to what was laid down in their final will.

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Estate Planning & Wills

Queensland Probate offers estate planning and wills services to help you plan for the future and ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. Our team can assist you with creating a will that accurately reflects your wishes and estate planning to ensure your assets are managed and distributed as you intended.

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Letters Of Administration

In Australian probate law, a letter of administration is a legal document issued by a court that grants someone the authority to manage and distribute the estate of a person who has died without leaving a valid will. Queensland Probate lawyers can help you navigate the complex workings of this process.

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What Does The Application For Probate Process Look Like?

Probate process | Brisbane, QLD | Queensland Probate
Apply for Probate or Letters of Administration Online


Have questions? Get in touch with our friendly staff today! 

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